my baby turtle's shell is soft

Thanks very much your website is really helpful to me. Gently scrub the turtles shell using the solution on a soft toothbrush.

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There should be enough sand such that your soft shelled turtle can immerse himself completely.

. Up to 25 cash back Most of the time when a turtles shell becomes soft it means either shell rot or Metabolic Bone Disease MBD has developed. You should keep its water shallow and make a dry bed of flat rocks or cork because it will not want to move much also use a reptile light and an incandescent light and keep the water at about 78-82 degrees Im sorry to say that your turtle. Up to 25 cash back My pet turtle has recently developed soft shell which I have been treating with a calcium supplement added to his food and a uv light in the tankHis shell around the tale has been turning white on the edges and ive noticed the bigger turtle has been picking at itCan you tell me what is causing the shell to go white and is there a treatment.

Soft-shell syndrome Softshell syndrome is a major killer of young turtles especially aquatics. I found out about it since I needed to place him in a proper container. Baby Turtle Needs Help With Soft Shell Hi crew.

Repeat twice in the first week then only once a week until the deposits are gone. Have you tried bribing him to eat with tuna or another tasty treat. This means that your turtle has a disease from lack of calcium in which its bones and shell start to deteriorate and weaken.

Might very carefully try gentle rubbing on the shell skin where you see peeling to determine if skin will come off. I think he is just a hatchling. Clean the tank do a water change and change the filter media.

You have to worry when their shells go soft it is usually a sign of MBD since he is getting calcium and sunshine something must be missing. If it does and the skin beneath looks ok probably not anything too worrisome at. A soft shell is somewhat normal in hatchlings.

The sand should be free of rocks or any objects that could scratch your turtles shell and cause an infection. Shell damage can happen from an injury or an illness. Its real name is Metabolic Bone Disease MBD and it is caused by poor diet andor insufficient lighting.

Im scared with my newly purchased red eared slider since the sides of his shell are soft and tends to bend. Your turtle needs a better andor more consistent diet and also to go to the vet to make sure it hasnt progressed to the point it needs supplemental nutrition or other treatment to help. If a semi- aquatic turtle doesnt have adequate heating or basking areas their shells can become soft and the plates may lift up to allow bacteria inside.

This deficiency directly correlates to an inadequate diet. Alternately if a tank is too dry it can result in a turtles shell cracking and flaking. In order to stay alive turtles require a certain amount of calcium in the bloodstream.

Add a layer of river sand to the bottom of your tank. Make sure you dont get it in the eyes. Your turtle may have rot or the discoloration may be due to excess mold or algae.

No harsh rubbing dont use sandpaper Id start with just a finger and see if any of that rubs off. The same goes for terrestrial turtles in too damp of an environment. They do not reach sexual maturity until eight years.

He is just an inch big. It is nearly impossible to treat without a vets help but lots of calcium and lots of sunshine is really the only thing that will work. The problem may well have developed before you bought the turtle.

Aggressive Turtles In Communal Enclosures. Shell rot is characterized by pitting soft spots foul odor or discharge or loss of scutes. Unless you have a kind of turtle which has a soft shell this is a sign of a serious nutritional deficiency called metabolic bone disease often called soft shell disease in turtles.

It can be a serious condition and requires veterinary attention. You can buy sand at an aquarium store. A newborn is about the size of a half-dollar give or take and a healthy baby grows very gradually.

He needs to be under a UV light sunlight so he. Both conditions can be related to lighting and diet. The baby softshell turtle is one of the hardest turtles to keep as a pet.

How Do I Know If My Baby Turtle Is Sick. Remove the turtle from the water and let it dry. It is softer than adult or older juvenile shells though.

Your turtle needs calcium in his water and UV light his shell is soft because he doesnt have these things. The shell should be a little pliable but not really soft. Baby Softshells Are Challenging Pets.

You cant calcium blocks at a pet shop and youll need a new one about every week. If you notice cracks peeling or soft spots on your baby turtles shell your turtles veterinarian should take a look to help you determine the cause. Let the turtle dry again then put it back in its enclosure.

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